Monday, July 8, 2013

I had a dream

This night I had such a real dream. It was about a swedish tv personality. We where buddies, like the best. You know the type that is almost attached to each other. We build a house together, we traveled together. Went on festivals. 
I woke up and almost thought that this person is my friend. And this is so weird no. So many people I know about, and had dreams about that really has no clue about me. And never will. It's a slightly weird thought I think. I dreamt about someone, that never will have to clue who I am. And so many times it has happened! 

Well well, enough about that. 
Took me long time to write this short text. Sometimes it feels like I am loosing my languages. I feel that I get very confused, and stutter on the words, and totally forget how to spell. And this is both swedish, english and spanish. do not really like that. 

Any ideas of how to learn the name of colors to my child? I've done the repeating thing, but she doesn't seem to get it. She gets that it is different colors, she can put the same colors togehter but not the name. I want the names! How should I do?


  1. Answering your final question: You should speak your mother tounge (Swedish) to your children, and Sergio should speak his (Spanish). That way your children will grow up solidly bilingual (or trilingual with Czech if you stay on in Prague).

  2. Wont proparly stay here, but move on! But we'll keep on the different languages.:)
