Tuesday, March 12, 2013

In the darkest hour

When you might had had just enough. When the energy is over and you think that this is it. 
When you are ready to give in to the voice in your head and just quit. 

Because very often, when you struggle the most and you have the toughest time you are closest to the solution.
Today I've been struggling with a new pattern I wanted to make. Myself. As I want use premade pattern as little as possible.  
I struggled. More then I've ever done. I did sample after sample. Pattern after pattern. Measured and measured. 
Nothing seemed to work. All just went wrong. 

And there, in the darkest hour, when I decided to stop it. When I said that if this didn't work I would not give self made pattern a damn squat. AS it was just basically to tough for me. 
And there, in the darkest hour. When almost lost all the hope, but decided to just make one more try. 
I made it. 
All came to me, and I understood what needed to be done. 
And I made it. And it fitted very well. 

Don't give up    

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